High dynamic-range quantum sensing of magnons and their dynamics using a superconducting qubit
S.Rani, X. Cao, A. E. Baptista, A. Hoffmann, and W. Pfaff,
Spin-polarized antiferromagnetic metals
S. Shim, M. Mehraeen, J. Sklenar, S. S.-L. Zhang, A. Hoffmann, and N. Mason,
Strong Damping-Like Torques in Wafer-Scale MoTe2 Grown by MOCVD
S. T. Chyczewski, H. Lee, S. Li, M. Eladl, J.-F. Zheng, A. Hoffmann, and W. Zhu,
Programmable Real-Time Magnon Interference in Two Remotely Coupled Magnetic Resonators
M. Song, T. Polakovic, J. Lim, T. W. Cecil, J. Pearson, R. Divan, W.-K. Kwok, U. Welp, A. Hoffmann, K.-J. Kim, V. Novosad, and Y. Li,
Unconventional fieldlike spin torques in CrPt3
R. Klause, Y. Xiao, J. Gibbons, V. P. Amin, K. D. Belashchenko, D. Go, E. E. Fullerton, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review Applied 22, 044043 (2024).
Unraveling the origin of antiferromagnetic coupling at YIG/permalloy interface
J. Qian, Y. Li, Z. Jiang, R. Busch, H.-C. Ni, T.-H. Lo, A. Hoffmann, A. Schleife, and J.-M. Zuo,
Physical Review Materials 8, 104405 (2024).
Numerical simulation projects in micromagnetics with Jupyter
M. Lonsky, M. Lang, S. Holt, S. A. Pathak, R. Klause, T.-H. Lo, M. Beg, A. Hoffmann, and H. Fangohr,
American Journal of Physics 92, 794 (2024).
Thermal contribution to current-driven antiferromagnetic-order switching
M.-W. Yoo, V. O. Lorenz, A. Hoffmann, and D. G. Cahill,
APL Materials 12, 081107 (2024).
Unconventional spin-orbit torques from sputtered MoTe2 films
S. Li, J. Gibbons, S. Chyczewski, Z. Liu, H.-C. Ni, J. Qian, J.-M. Zuo, J.-F. Zheng, W. Zhu, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review B 110, 024426 (2024).
Enhanced spin pumping in heterostructures of coupled ferrimagnetic garnets
A. Swain, K. S. Rathore, P. Gupta, A. Mishra, Y. H. Lee, J. Lim, A. Hoffmann, R. Mahendiran, and S. Debanta,
Applied Physics Letters 125, 012406 (2024).
Influence of temperature, doping, and amorphization on the electronic structure and magnetic damping of iron
Z. Jiang, A. Hoffmann, and A. Schleife,
Physical Review B 109, 235147 (2024).
Inverse chirality-induced spin selectivity effect in chiral assemblies of π-conjugated polymers
R. Sun, K. S. Park, A. H. Comstock, A. McConnell, Y.-C. Chen, P. Zhang, D. Beratan, W. You, A. Hoffmann, Z. G. Yu, Y. Diao, and D. Sun,
Nature Materials 23, 782 (2024).
Colossal anisotropic absorption of spin currents by chirality
R. Sun, Z. Wang, B. P. Bloom, A. H. Comstock, C. Yang, A. McConnell, C. Clever, M. Molitoris, D. Lamont, Z.-H. Cheng, Z. Yuan, W. Zhang, A. Hoffmann, J. Liu, D. H. Waldeck, and D. Sun,
Science Advances 10, eadn3240 (2024).
Ultrafast THz emission spectroscopy of spin currents in the metamagnet FeRh
Y. Lv, S. Shim, J. Gibbons, A. Hoffmann, N. Mason, and F. Mahmood,
APL Materials 12, 041121 (2024).
Emerging materials in antiferromagnetic spintronics
V. Baltz, A. Hoffmann, S. Emori, D. F. Shao, and T. Jungwirth,
APL Materials 12, 030401 (2024).
Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of kagome metal FnSn/elemental ferromagnet heterostructures
P. M. Laxmeesha, T. D. Tucker, R. K. Rai, S. Li, M.-W. Yoo, E. A. Stach, A. Hoffmann, and S. J. May,
Journal of Applied Physics 135, 085302 (2024).
Probing intrinsic magnon bandgap in a layered hybrid perovskite antiferromagnet by a superconducting resonator
Y. Li, T. Draher, A. H. Comstock, Y. Xiong, Md. A. Haque, E. Easy J. Qian, T. Polakovic, J. E. Pearson, R. Divan, J.-M. Zuo, X. Zhang, U. Welp, W.-K. Kwok, A. Hoffmann, J. M. Luther, M. C. Beard, D. Sun, W. Zhang, and V. Novosad,
Physical Review Research 5, 043031 (2023).
Integrating Magnons for Quantum Information
Z. Jiang, J. Lim, Y. Li, W. Pfaff, T.-H. Lo, J. Qian, A. Schleife, J.-M. Zuo, V. Novosad, and A. Hoffmann,
Applied Physics Letters 123, 130501 (2023).
Evidence of pseudogravitational distortions of the Fermi surface geometry in the antiferromagnetic metal FeRh
J. Sklenar, S. Shim, H. Saglam, J. Oh, M. G. Verginory, A. Hoffmann, B. Bradlyn, N. Mason, and M. J. Gilbert,
Communications Physics 6, 241 (2023).
Unidirectional microwave transduction with chirality selected short-wavelength magnon excitations
Y. Li, T.-H. Lo, J. Lim, J. E. Pearson, R. Divan, W. Zhang, U. Welp, W.-K. Kwok, A. Hoffmann, and V. Novosad,
Applied Physics Letters 123, 022406 (2023).
Hybrid-Magnon Quantum Devices: Strategies and Approaches
Y. Li, J.-C. Qian, Z.-H. Jiang, T.-H. Lo, D. Ding, T. Draher, T. Polakovic, W. Pfaff, A. Schleife, J.-M. Zuo, W.-K. Kwok, V. Novosad, and A. Hoffmann,
2022 IEEE International Electronic Devices Meeting, 14.6.1 (2022).
The effect of field history on magnetic skyrmions formation in [Pt/Co/Ir]3 multilayers
A. T. Clark, X. Wang, A. R. Stuart, Q. Wang, W. Jiang, J. E. Pearson, S. G. E. te Velthuis, A. Hoffmann, X. M. Cheng, and K. S. Buchanan,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563, 169951 (2022).
Spin Transport Modified by Magnetic Order
A. Hoffmann,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563, 169896 (2022).
Topological spin memory of antiferromagnetically coupled skyrmion pairs in Co/Gd/Pt multilayers
X. Wang, A. R. Stuart, M. S. Swyt, C. M. Quispe Flores, A. T. Clark, A. Fiagbenu, R. V. Chopdekar, P. N. Lapa, Z. Xiao, D. Keavney, R. Rosenberg, M. Vogel, J. E. Pearson, S. G. E. te Velthuis, A. Hoffmann, K. S. Buchanan, and X. M. Cheng,
Physical Review Materials 6, 084412 (2022).
Large Exotic Spin Torques in Antiferromagnetic Iron Rhodium
J. Gibbons, T. Dohi, V. P. Amin, F. Xue, H. Ren, J.-W. Xu, H. Arava, S. Shim, H. Saglam, Y. Liu, J. E. Pearson, N. Mason, A. K. Petford-Long, P. M. Haney, M. D. Stiles, E. E. Fullerton, A. D. Kent, S. Fukami, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review Applied 18, 024075 (2022).
Dynamic Fingerprints of Synthetic Antiferromagnet Nanostructures with Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
M. Lonsky and A. Hoffmann,
Journal of Applied Physics 132, 043903 (2022).
Quantum materials for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing: Opportunities and challenges
A. Hoffmann, S. Ramanathan, J Grollier, A. D. Kent, M. Rozenberg, I. K. Schuller, O. Shpyrko, R. Dynes, Y. Fainman, A. Frano, E. E. Fullerton, G. Galli, V. Lomakin, S. P. Ong, A. K. Petford-Long, J. A. Schuller, M. D. Stiles, Y. Takamura, and Y. Zhu,
APL Materials 10, 070904 (2022).
Unidirectional Magnetoresistance in Antiferromagnet/Heavy-Metal Bilayers
S. Shim, M. Mehraeen, J. Sklenar, J. Oh, J. Gibbons, H. Saglam, A. Hoffmann, S. S. L. Zhang, and N. Mason,
Physical Review X 12, 021069 (2022).
Multiple magnetic droplet solitons from exotic spin-orbit torques
R. Klause and A. Hoffmann,
Applied Physical Letters 120, 242407 (2022).
Structural and magnetic properties of Pt/Co/Mn-based multilayers
M. Lonsky, M.-W. Yoo, Y.-S. Huang, J. Qian, J.-M. Zuo, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review Materials 6, 054413 (2022).
Neuromorphic computing: Challenges from quantum materials to emergent connectivity
I. K. Schuller, A. Frano, R. C. Dynes, A. Hoffmann, B. Noted, C. Schuman, A. Sebastian, and J. Shen,
Applied Physics Letters 120, 140401 (2022).
Antiferromagnets for Spintronics
A. Hoffmann and W. Zhang,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 553, 169216 (2022).
Spin dynamics in permalloy nano-ellipses for honeycomb and square lattices
W. Bang, M. T. Kaffash, M. T. Hossain, A. Hoffmann, J. B. Ketterson, and M. B. Jungfleisch,
AIP Advances 12, 035131 (2022).
Coherent control of asymmetric terahertz emission from two-dimensional hybrid metal halides
K. Cong, E. Vetter, Y. Liang, Y. Li, Q. Zhang, Y. Xiong, H. Qu, R. D. Schaller, A. Hoffmann, A. F. Kemper, Y. Yao, J. Wang, W. You, H. Wen, W. Zhang, and D. Sun,
Nature Communications 12, 5744 (2021).
Electric field control of magnon spin currents in an antiferromagnetic insulator
C. Liu, Y. Luo, D. Hong, S. S.-L. Zhang, H.Saglam, Y.Li, Y.Lin, B. Fisher, J. E. Pearson, J. S. Jiang, H. Zhou, J. Wen, A. Hoffmann, and A. Bhattacharya,
Science Advances 7, eabg1669 (2021).
Field-Tunable Interactions and Frustration in Underlayer-Mediated Artificial Spin Ice
S. Kempinger, Y.S. Huang, P. Lammert, M. Vogel, A. Hoffmann, V. H. Crespi, P. Schiffer, and N. Samarth,
Physical Review Letters 127, 117203 (2021).
Thermal and hybridized magnon
A. Hoffmann,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 539, 168391 (2021).
Quantum Engineering with Hybrid Magnonics Systems and Materials
D. D. Awschalom, C. H. R. Du, R. He, J. Heremans, A. Hoffmann, J. Hou, H. Kurebayashi, Y. Li, L. Liu, V. Novosad, J. Sklenar, S. Sullivan, D. Sun, H. Tang, V. Tyberkevych, C. Trevillian, A. W. Tsen, L. Weiss, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, L. Zhao, Ch. W. Zollitsch,
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 2, 5500836 (2021).
Antiferromagnetic Oxide Thin Films for Spintronics Applications
S. A. Siddiqui, D. Hong, J. E. Pearson, and A. Hoffmann,
Coatings 11, 786 (2021).
Roadmap of spin-orbit torques
Q. Shao, P. Li, L. Liu, H. Yang, S. Fukami, A. Razavi, H. Wu, K. L. Wang, F. Freimuth, Y. Mokrousov, M. D. Stiles, S. Emori, A. Hoffmann, J. Åkerman, K. Roy, J.-P. Wang, S.-H. Yang, K. Garello, and W. Zhang,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 57, 800439 (2021).
Large spin-to-charge conversion in ultrathin gold-silicon multilayers
M. S. El Hadri, J. Gibbons, Y. Xiao, H. Ren, H. Arava, Y. Liu, Z. Liu, A. Petford-Long, A. Hoffmann, and E. E. Fullerton,
Physical Review Materials 5, 064410 (2021)
Advances in coherent coupling between magnons and acoustic phonons
Y. Li, C. Zhao, W. Zhang, A. Hoffmann, and V. Novosad,
APL Materials 9, 060902 (2021).
Phase-resolved electrical detection of coherently coupled magnonic devices
Y. Li, C. Zhao, V. P. Amin, Z. Zhang, M. Vogel, Y. Xiong, J. Sklenar, R. Divan, J. Pearson, M. D. Stiles, W. Zhang, A. Hoffmann, and V. Novosad,
Applied Physics Letters 118, 202403 (2021).
Time refraction of spin waves
K. Schultheiss, N. Sato, P. Matthies, L. Körber, K. Wagner, T. Hula, O. Gladii, J. E. Pearson, A. Hoffmann, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, and H. Schultheiss,
Physical Review Letters 126, 137201 (2021).
Temperature-dependent collective magnetization reversal in a network of ferromagnetic nanowires
S. Lendinez, J. E. Pearson, A. Hoffmann, V. Novosad, and M. B. Jungfleisch,
AIP Advances 11, 025222 (2021).
Direct Imaging of Resonant Phonon-Magnon Coupling
C. Zhao, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, W. Zhang, J. E. Pearson, R. Divan, Q. Liu, V. Novosad, J. Wang, and A. Hoffmann
Physical Review Applied 15, 014052 (2021).
Detecting Phase-Resolved Magnetization Dynamics by Magneto-Optic Effects at 1550 nm Wavelength
Y. Xiong, Y. Li, R. Bidthanapally, J. Sklenar, M. Hammami, S. Hall, X. Zhang, P. Li, J. E. Pearson, T. Sebastian, G. Srinivasan, A. Hoffmann, H. Qu, V. Novosad, and W. Zhang,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 57, 4300807 (2021).
Topological Hall Effect in a Topological Insulator Interfaced with a Magnetic Insulator
P. Li, J. Ding, S. S.-L. Zhang, J. Kally, T. Pillsbury, O. G. Heinonen, G. Rimal, C. Bi, A. DeMann, S. B. Field, W. Wang, J. Tang, J. S. Jiang, A. Hoffmann, N. Samarth, and M. Wu,
Nano Letters 21, 84 (2021).
Distinguishing antiferromagnetic spin sublattices via the spin Seebeck effect
Y. Luo, C. Liu, H. Saglam, Y. Li, W. Zhang, S. S.-L. Zhang, J. E. Pearson, B. Fisher, T. Zhou, A. Bhattacharya, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review B 103, L020401 (2021).
Ferromagnetic Resonance in single vertices and 2D lattices macro-dipoles of elongated nanoelements: measurements and simulations
W. Bang, R. Silvani, A. Hoffmann, J. B. Ketterson, F. Montoncello, and M. B. Jungfleisch
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter33, 065803 (2021).
Experimental parameters, combined dynamics, and nonlinearity of a magnetic-opto-electronic oscillator (MOEO)
Y. Xiong, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Hammami, J. Sklenar, L. Alahmed, P. Li, T. Sebastian, H. Qu, A. Hoffmann, V. Novosad, and W. Zhang,
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 125105 (2020).
Dynamic Excitations of Chiral Magnetic Textures
M. Lonsky and A. Hoffmann,
APL Materials 8, 100903 (2020).
Hybrid magnonics: physics, circuits and applications for coherent information processing
Y. Li, W. Zhang, V. Tyberkevych, W.-K. Kwok, A. Hoffmann, and V. Novosad,
Journal of Applied Physics 128, 130902 (2020).
Coupled skyrmion breathing modes in synthetic ferri- and antiferromagnets
M. Lonsky and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review B 102, 104403 (2020).
Intrinsic Mechanism for Anisotropic Magnetoresistance and Experimental Confirmation in CoxFe1-x Single-Crystal Films
F. L. Zeng, Z. Y. Ren, Y. Li, J. Y. Zeng, M. W. Jia, J. Miao, A. Hoffmann, W. Zhang, Y. Z. Wu, and Z. Yuan,
Physical Review Letters 125, 097201 (2020).
Perspective on Metallic Antiferromagnets
S. A. Siddiqui, J. Sklenar, K. Kang, M. J. Gilbert, A. Schleife, N. Mason, and A. Hoffmann,
Journal of Applied Physics 128, 040904 (2020).
Probing the Magnon-Magnon Coupling using Combinatorial Magneto-Optical Kerr and Faraday Effects
Y. Xiong, Y. Li, M. Hammami, R. Bidthanapally, J. Sklenar, X. Zhang, H. Qu, G. Srinivasan, J. Pearson, A. Hoffmann, V. Novosad, and W. Zhang,
Scientific Reports 10, 12548 (2020).
Influence of Vertex Region on Spin Dynamics in Artificial Kagome Spin Ice
W. Bang, J. Sturm, R. Silvani, M. T. Kaffash, A. Hoffmann, J. B. Ketterson, F. Montoncello, and B. J. Jungfleisch,
Physical Review Applied 14, 014079 (2020).
Temperature-dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance and spin-torque-driven vortex dynamics in a single micro disk
S. Lendinez, T. Polakovic, J. Ding, M. B. Jungfleisch, J. Pearson, A. Hoffmann, and V. Novosad,
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 243904 (2020).
Control of spin dynamics in artificial honeycomb spin-ice-based nanodisks
M. T. Kaffash, W. Bang, S. Lendinez, A. Hoffmann, J. B. Ketterson, and M. B. Jungfleisch,
Physical Review B 101, 174424 (2020).
Phonon Transport Controlled by Ferromagnetic Resonance
C. Zhao, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, M. Vogel, J. E. Pearson, J. Wang, W. Zhang, V. Novosad, Q. Liu, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review Applied 13, 054032 (2020).
Spin pumping gathers speed
A. Hoffmann,
Science 368, 135 (2020).
Coherent Spin Pumping in a Strongly Coupled Magnon-Magnon Hybrid System
Y. Li, W. Cao, V. P. Amin, Z. Zhang, J. Gibbons, J. Sklenar, J. Pearson, P. M. Haney, M. D. Stiles, W. E. Bailey, V. Novosad, A. Hoffmann, and W. Zhang,
Physical Review Letters 124, 117202 (2020).
Direct observation of spin accumulation in Cu induced by spin pumping
J. Ding, W. Zhang, M. B. Jungfleisch, J. E. Pearson, H. Ohldag, V. Novosad, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review Research 2, 013262 (2020).
Magnetic Damping Modulation in IrMn3/Ni80Fe20 via the Magnetic Spin Hall Effect
J. Holanda, H. Saglam, V. Karakas, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, R. Divan, Y. Liu, O. Ozatay, V. Novosad, J. E. Pearson, and A. Hoffmann,
Physical Review Letters 124, 087204 (2020).
Magnetostatic spin-waves in an yttrium iron garnet thin film: Comparison between theory and experiment for arbitrary field directions
J. Lim, W. Bang, J. Trossman, D. Amanov, C. C. Tsai, M. B. Jungfleisch, A. Hoffmann, and J. B. Ketterson,
Journal of Applied Physics 126, 243906 (2019).
Spin-wave frequency division multiplexing in an yttrium iron garnet microstripe magnetized by inhomogeneous field
Z. Zhang, M. Vogel, J. Holanda, M. B. Jungfleisch, C. Liu, Y. Li, J. E. Pearson, R. Divan, W. Zhang, A. Hoffmann, Y. Nie, and V. Novosad,
Applied Physics Letters 115, 232402 (2019).
Generation and Hall effect of skyrmions enabled via using nonmagnetic point contacts
Z. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Xie, L. Zhao, K. Wu, G. Yu, K. L. Wang, X. Liu, S. G. E. te Velthuis, A. Hoffmann, Y. Zhu, and W. Jiang,
Physical Review B 100, 184426 (2019).
Tuning edge localized spin waves in magnetic microstripes by proximate magnetic structures
Z. Zhang, M. Vogel, M. B. Jungfleisch, A. Hoffmann, Y. Nie, and V. Novosad,
Physical Review B 100, 174434 (2019).
Ferromagnetic resonance spectra of permalloy nano-ellipses as building blocks for complex magnonic lattices
W. Bang, F. Montoncello, M. T. Kaffash, A. Hoffmann, J. B. Ketterson, and M. B. Jungfleisch,
Journal of Applied Physics 126, 203902 (2019).
Strong Coupling between Magnons and Microwave Photons in On-Chip Ferromagnet-Superconducting Thin-Film Devices
Y. Li, T. Polakovic, Y.-L. Wang, J. Xu, S. Lendinez, Z. Zhang, J. Ding, T. Khaire, H. Saglam, R. Divan, J. Pearson, W.-K. Kwok, Z. Xiao, V. Novosad, A. Hoffmann, and W. Zhang,
Physical Review Letters 123, 107701 (2019).